Rowan McGinley

Journal Articles
Starrett, J., Bui, A., MCGINLEY, R.H., Hebets, E.A., & Bond, J.E., 2021
Phylogenomic variation at the population-species interface and assessment of gigantism in a model wolf spider genus (Lycosidae, Schizocosa).
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 5(5).
Rosenthal, M.F., Hebets, E.A., MCGINLEY, R.H., Raiza, C., Starrett, J., Yan, L., & Elias, D.O. 2021
Exploring a novel substrate-borne vibratory signal in the wolf spider Schizocosa floridana.
Ethology, 127:135-144.
Hebets, E.A., Bern, M., MCGINLEY, R.H., Roberts, A., Kershenbaum, A., Starrett, J., & Bond, J.E., 2021
Sister species diverge in modality-specific courtship signal form and fucntion.
Ecology and Evolution, 11:852-871.
Rosenthal, M.F., Hebets, E.A., Kessler, B., MCGINLEY, R.H., & Elias, D.O., 2019
The effects of microhabitat specialization on mating communication in a wolf spider
Behavioral Ecology, 30:1398-1405.
Choi, N., Bern, M., Elias, D.O., MCGINLEY, R.H., Rosenthal, M.F. & Hebets, E.A. 2019
A mismatch between signal transmission efficacy and mating success calls into question the function of complex signals.
Animal Behaviour, 158:77-88.
Hebets, E. A. & MCGINLEY, R.H. 2018
Multimodal Signaling. pp487-499 in J. C. Choe, ed. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Elsevier, Academic Press.
Mendez, V., MCGINLEY, R.H. & Taylor, P.W. 2017
Mating-induced sexual inhibition in the jumping spider Servaea incana (Araneae: Salticidae): A fast-acting and long-lasting effect.
PLoS ONE, 12:e0184940.
Mendez, V., MCGINLEY, R.H. & Taylor, P.W. 2017
Seasonal variation in sexual opportunities of Servaea incana jumping spiders.
Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 70(6), 821-829.
MCGINLEY, R.H. & Taylor, P.W. 2016
Video playback experiments support a role for visual assessment of opponent size in male-male contests of Servaea incana jumping spiders.
Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 70(6), 821-829.
Soley, F., MCGINLEY, R.H., Collins, S.R. & Taylor, P.W. 2016
Natural history observations of a long-legged jumping spider, Megaloastia mainae (Araneae: Salticidae).
New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 41(1), 65-83.
MCGINLEY, R.H., Mendez, V. & Taylor, P.W. 2015
Natural history and display behaviour of Servaea incana, a common and widespread Australian jumping spider (Araneae, Salticidae).
Australian Journal of Zoology, 63(5), 300-319.
MCGINLEY, R.H., Prenter, J. & Taylor, P.W. 2015
Assessment strategies and decision-making in male-male contests of Servaea incana jumping spiders.
Animal Behaviour, 101, 89-95.
MCGINLEY, R.H., Prenter, J. & Taylor, P.W. 2013
Whole-organism performance in a jumping spider, Servaea incana (Araneae: Salticidae): links with morphology and between performance traits.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 110, 644-657.
Conference Presentations
“Assessment strategies in jumping spider contests”
Oral Presentation
Cairns, QLD, Australia.
“Assessment strategies and decision-making in jumping spider contests”
Oral Presentation
Meeting of the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASSAB)
Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia.
“Biogenic amines as mediators of spider behaviour”
NewcastleGateshead, UK.
“Biogenic amines as mediators of spider behavior”
Oral Presentation
Animal Behavior Society (ABS) Meeting
Boulder, Colorado, USA.
“Using video playback to determine the role of visual opponent assessment in a jumping spider (Salticidae)”
Animal Behavior Society (ABS) Meeting
Boulder, Colorado, USA.
“Natural History & Phenology of Servaea incana”
Animal Behavior Society (ABS) Meeting
Boulder, Colorado, USA.
“Biogenic amines as mediators of spider behaviour”
Oral Presentation
Joint meeting of the Australian Entomological Society (AES) & the Australasian Arachnological Society (AAS)
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
“Natural History & Phenology of Servaea incana”
Joint meeting of the Australian Entomological Society (AES) & the Australasian Arachnological Society (AAS)
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
“Using video playback to determine the role of visual opponent assessment in a jumping spider (Salticidae)”
Oral Presentation
Meeting of the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASSAB)
Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
“Assessing Assessment in Salticid Contests”
Oral Presentation
Meeting of the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASSAB)
Narrabri, NSW, Australia.
Awarded Runner-Up Best Student Talk.